Well that was one crazy trip to England. It started by ending up in Customs behind Mike and Amy, friends from Murray's lab in Philadelphia who were attending the same workshop. What a nice coincidence! We had breakfast and coffee together and then we went our respective ways.
one night in Oxford...
I took the bus from Heathrow to Oxford and walked to meet my friend Tim at the university. I had a little bit of a tour, talked to some folks, we t touch at Oriel College, and then went back to Tim's place where I saw his wife Heather and their two girls Zoī and Magali. Two highlights of the evening included Tim's shepherd's pie, and an outing to The Bear (Tim's favorite pub).
The next day I gave a talk to a small-but-interested audience and had lunch with a colleague (Kate Watkins) before rushing off to Tim's house and then the train station to go to London.
one night in London...
Paddington Station
I arrived in London and took the tube up to Highbury where I had booked an airbnb. After a 20 minute break to check my email I headed off to the Snooty Fox for dinner and ales with some London friends, and Mike and Amy. We had a good time and even talked a little bit of science, too.
one night in Sussex...
Saturday morning I had breakfast at my airbnb (traditional British fare, including plenty of toast) and then met Mike and Amy for second breakfast/brunch before catching the train down to Uckfield. Our good friends the Farrants picked me up and took me straight to a delicious tea shop. We got home and took the dogs for a walk (and Kathryn rode her new bike). That evening I was treated to a delicious roast dinner and played some games.
three nights in Cambridge...
Sunday morning I hopped back on the train and headed to Cambridge. I met Mike and Amy on the train and we checked into the airbnb we were sharing, and then headed to The Esgle for lunch (and ale). We did some shopping and then headed to the Pickerel for dinner and to meet some of my remaining Cambridge friends. Oh also they had some ale.
The workshop was good! Very busy but I learned a lot. And it was really fun to show Mike and Amy around Cambridge.
A final night in London...
No photos for this, but I had a full cay of meetings at University College London followed by dinner and a final pub outing.
and back home
Home now and still recovering a little. Glad to be back with my Jill!