Garden Babies
I'm sure most of those who read this blog know of our hearts desire to have a child. A baby! Well, this summer our garden seems to be a stand in for our future life as parents. I know the parallel is a bit thin but I really do love to walk or bike over to our garden almost every day just to check up in it and water and weed and see how my little ones are growing and changing. I'm shocked at how much joy I've experienced through our garden this summer. I also have a little herb box on our back porch where I have some herbs that I'm proud to say i started from seed. They're still not quite big enough where I can use them for cooking but almost.
We finally planted the other half of our vegetable garden with summer plants like tomatoes and peppers and cucumbers. Here are some of the latest baby pics of all the little veggie plants.
Above is our "square foot gardening" section. The kale is getting big and the red lettuce and spinach are finally harvest ready.
the summer veggies are on this side, hopefully they're not too close together. I've been told cucumbers can cross polenate or something so hopefully we don't get cucumbery peppers.
First "red" pepper!!
Cucumbers all lined up ready to climb our trellis structure.
first tiny tomatoes!
Rainbow chard. Too pretty to pick! (The bunnies don't agree)
There's Peter Rabbit! So cute and SO not afraid to eat all your lettuce :)