Day 21: Trying out the Ergo

After class this morning Jill and Eila came to meet me, and we had a snack at Kayak's coffee shop, and had a walk through the park before I took the train to work.

And, look who came to meet me on my way walking home from the train!

Day 20: Making weight

We had a weigh-in today: Eila is up 2 ounces from last week, to her birth weight. So that's good—we just need to keep going in this direction!

My parents left today so we're back to cooking, doing dishes, and taking out the trash all by ourselves. SIGH! LIFE IS SO HARD! It was a huge help having them here.

I have an exam in class tomorrow and should be in bed but am trying to catch up (hahahahahaha) on email and the only time I seem to find is after Eila and Jill are sleeping, and the dishes are done, but it's not so late that I literally can't keep my eyes open.

"I gained two ounces!"

Day 19: Grandma and Grandpa are here

My parents have actually been here since Thursday but here is a wonderful picture of them. They've been helping out by doing a lot of cooking and dishes, and holding Eila (their first grandchild). Mostly we've been hanging around the house, but Jill and I went for a walk the other morning, and this afternoon we all went to the art museum, which was fun!

Eila has been taking an extra ounce of milk after each feeding and seems generally slightly happier and less fussy. So hopefully she's also gaining weight!

Day 18: Delicious medicine for Jill

Eila's weight has been a little low so we've been focused on trying to increase milk supply. So, last night I made some "lactation cookies" (containing brewers yeast and oats) and I've been prescribing half of a malty beer at lunch and dinner. Could be worse medicine!