Conference Buddy :)
I had no idea that Jonathan posted this week. I guess we think alike. This being Jonathan's 4th or 5th trip in the past 6 weeks, I thought maybe I'd join in the fun this time. Hurray for Southwest miles and Air B&B providing us with an actual apartment in DuPont Circle where I can relax and rest while Jonathan is busy networking and schmoozing. Today I crashed my first conference too! SFN is made up of about 30,000 scientists that have descended upon DC this week. Well, Jonathan was a part of a group that created a big symposium this year and so had the privilege of giving a "big" talk. I wasn't about to miss it. Some friends of ours suggested that they sneak me in and I decided to go for it. (They actually have rent-a-cops at the entrances to the conference center and every room in the conference checking badges) And, I'm so glad I did. Jonathan was brilliant. He has such a gift for presenting information in a clear and concise manner that challenges those who specialise in his area and also makes the topic accessible to lay people like myself. He is also someone who uses PowerPoint in the best way possible and with some awesome design and teaching techniques. His slides support and compliment his talk, they don't just parrot what he's saying. Can you tell I'm proud of him?
I haven't been to DC since College so it's been fun to return. It reminds me of Boston a bit. I like the colonial buildings and all the brick sidewalks. I had a nice run along the canal in Georgetown, had my first escargot at a little French place, and did some thrift store shopping as well. Leather ankle boots for $13!!! Now I'm off to meet Jonathan at the conference so we can meet some German researchers Jonathan knows at a pub and then dinner at a Greek place with dear friends from Philly. Good thing I took a nap this afternoon :)
Overall, I'm so glad I came. I mean, I know this is work for Jonathan but I also know I see a lot more of him here than I would if I were back in St Louis. Yay for the flexibility of a nursing career. 3 nights in DC with no vacation time required!!!
Georgetown canal
Our Air B&B apartment building.
The Metro stations look like something out of a sci-fi film.