Another Saturday

Both last weekend and this, Jonathan has had to head out of town for work on Sunday.  Last week it was off to Boston and Philly and today he drove off to Purdue University as an invited speaker and meet with researchers there until Tuesday. 

Yesterday we took our first trip to Home Depot in a long time.  We are trying to improve our community garden plot soil so we got some organic enriched planting soil and the makings for an herb planter for our back porch. Here's a photo if it with cilantro, oregano, and dill started.  We want to add basil but we'll do that from seed.


We turned the soil in the half of our plot that we plan start in May and also measured off our square foot garden blocks in the other half and planted some more seeds.



Here's our carefully protected kale and also the beginning sprouts of the pea plants.





At the garden we met our friend Abram hard at work on his plot with his 4-year old son Simon.  He invited us over for dinner.  An hour later we 4 adults were enjoying the cool night air and a tasty dinner on their back deck.  Love these cool nights in St. Louis.  They won't last long here as summer closes in.  

Oh, I must also mention that on Friday night I tried out a vegan Caesar salad recipe that was amazing!! Roasted crunchy chickpeas top the salad.
