Celebrating the 4th!!
We are not the most patrioc family, but who can say no to good friends, food, and a sunny afternoon outside together. Not me! We had a tiny get together at our place: just the Kristen and Abram, their cute kids, Abram's Dad, and our dear Amber too. Perfect. No hassle, no pretense. My heart just smiled as Abram pulled out a soccer ball and three generations of Van Engens took to our new backyard for an impromptu game together. Even Grace and I kicked the ball around.
Jonathan made Mai Tais that were SO delicious!!! We munched on cheese and Mac nuts from the island and finally sat down to a feast of burgers, salad, corn, and coleslaw that I made from our CSA veggies.
Just can't wait til our family grows and gets to join in this sweet community where we are :)