Miss Personality
I've been so very neglectful of my blogging duties but I guess when you have to feed a small person 45 minutes out of every 2 hours, you don't get a lot of time for extra activities. But I find myself in bed and for once, less anxious that Eila will awaken any moment. So I will blog :)
Eila's first impression on people is usually her alertness. She looks so intently at whatever her little eyes are trying to focus on. It's quite striking. This morning I was holding her in typical cradle fashion in the kitchen and suddenly she turned to look up at me. She just stared and stared and I stared right back for a few minutes. It was like we were trying to memorize each other. She does this quite a lot and I never tire of it.
Her personality at the moment seems to be either very hungry (if that counts as a personality trait), serious and thoughtful, very sleepy, or super angry - especially when being changed. Jonathan often says she has 2 speeds - content or livid and not much in between.
Sometimes we put her down for a nap and I won't hear a peep for 30 minutes. I go check on her and she's just staring at the ceiling happily. It cracks me up! Other times she has it in her to scream through an entire nap. But, she's consistently sleeping 4-5 hours at a stretch overnight so we feel pretty lucky.
Eila seems to respond more now when I sing to her and when I play her lullaby lamb in her crib before naps. She loves being carried in the Ergo carrier, smiles occasionally but mostly in her sleep, and is very serious about mealtimes :)
We can't wait til we see real personality traits in her, but we adore her at present and cherish every moment we can cuddle her at this sweet stage.