Let the gardening begin!!

Today we attended our first community garden workday of the season.  Given that the temperature was 38 degrees, I decided coffee and donuts should accompany these proceedings.  What brings people together better than hot beverages and fattening pastries?  Since neither of these victuals were available, we warmed ourselves by shoveling dirt and turning lots of leaf mulch into our vegetable bed.  Brrr...even my toes were numb.  

This time last year, we were still on the waiting list for our precious plot so I'm excited that our bed is prepped and we're almost ready to plant in March!  Carrots, lettuce, spinach and spring onions here we come!!   I didn't take any pics at the workday but here is one from last year if you want to see our little plot. 




This year, we're going to make an attempt at "square foot gardening" and maybe some vertical plants like tomatoes and cucumbers.  We are also hoping to plant a few more veggies from seed just for practice. My favorite part about the garden is that Jonathan and I do it together and we both enjoy it.  There's something cool about physical outdoor toil and of course the delicious veggies to be coaxed and reaped. Mmm...salsa, salad, coleslaw, veggie fajitas, more salsa :)



A mini-harvest from last year.